Monday, December 23, 2019

Gender Inequality The Case Of The American Superhero...

Hanna Dorn SOC365-A FA17 Gender Inequality in the US: The Case of the American superhero film industry The American film industry creates gender inequality through its structural components and proliferates it through the generation of character archetypes that assimilate into social norms which appeal to a mass audience. This cycle of gender inequality is evident through the structural inequality of the industry, the reinforcement of stereotyped social norms, and the comparison of two recent American superhero films. Suicide Squad follows the industry tradition of gender inequality, while Wonder Woman defies gender inequality, proving the industry is receptive to change. From a structural perspective, the production companies that†¦show more content†¦This necessity as a marketing tool reinforces the social norm in which women are objectified for their appearance and youth (Cole 2007). In terms of the film industry as a rewarding career choice, men are more likely to win prestigious awards than women, reinforced by the fact that 77 percent of Oscar voters are men (McKinley 2 017; New York Film Academy 2013). However, despite these structural inequalities, the most basic level of the film industry remains the consumers of movies. Half of all moviegoers are women, despite their underrepresentation (New York Film Academy 2013). The structural inequality of the film industry reinforces social norms through the development of films that exemplify gender inequality. As of 2013, 30.8 percent of speaking roles belong to women, 28.8 percent of women wore sexually revealing clothing, and 26.2 percent of women got partially naked in the top 500 films in the past decade (New York Film Academy 2013). These inequalities articulate themselves into various marketable film archetypes that have proven to sell, despite being based upon societally constructed gender roles and painting women in a negative light (Mantel 1990: 173-183). An example of a blockbuster film that both reinforces these social norms as character archetypes and exemplifies the structural inequality of the film industry is Warner Brothers and DC Entertainment’s film, Suicide Squad. The film is written and directed by David Ayer, and produced byShow MoreRelatedThe Effect Of Superman- Sexual Equality981 Words   |  4 PagesHow many people have questioned that when there is a Superman saving the world, if there is also a Superwoman using her power to protect people? The answer must be yes. Personally, I think the superhero culture is mostly showing a strong sexual difference. There is more male superhero than female superhero. The Superman issue claims that men are the saver of the world, they are stronger to protect everything in life. For example, when there are monsters starting to destroy the city, women are scaredRead MorePortrayal Of Women s Film : A Recent Post On Vanity Fair And The Presence Of Wonder Woman1989 Words   |  8 Pagesloudness. These characteristics undeniably express the idea of feminism (Erikson Eric 1968). Unfortunately, the world has been grappling with the issues of stereotypes and negativity in the comic industry, with females landing roles like secretary, nurse and wife. As Maya Angelou; an African-American poet rightly put, â€Å"how important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes†. This is an important and salient point in the society. Nevertheless, it has always been neglected due

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